
PTE maintenance log


As you know, there was a bugfix in PTE. Now the patchnotes have been released.

  • HUD improvements
  • GFX glitches fixed
  • Iron Sight details improved
  • "Fake_Weapon_Name" issue fixed
That's it by now. Our testing target is to check whether the bugs are really fixed now. Further, focus on the runtime error as it hasn't been fixed with the last update!


Today's summary 29.04.11

Much stuff happened on the Battlefield again. Here's today's summary:

OGC clan challenge launched
Field Repair will be fixed
Improvements to heli gunner's tracer dart
Recruit Training 1 and 2 winners announced
i3D launches large-scaled event next week
New recruit training event announced

We wish you a great weekend.

Recruit Training - the next stage

As we guessed, two new recruit training video contests launched. The first of the new (so the third one) is about infantry warfare. This includes very basic things like moving, passing emplaced weapons and finally reaches advanced combat tactics. Please note that you are NOT allowed to use vehicles here.

Therefore you got the second contest - attacking choppers. From take-off and gunner position to fly-by hellfire airstrikes - it's up to you. We wish you good luck!

Rules and Guidelines:
  • The video must be between 2 and 10 minutes long.
  • The video should be uploaded to http://www.youtube.com/
  • The video must use the English language.
  • You can use either voice or text to provide the information. Should you choose text, it must be rendered in the video and not as an annotation on Youtube.
  • Please refrain from using any third party copyrighted material. You may use material belonging to EA.
  • You may advertise your Youtube channel or Personal/Clan Website for 10 seconds at the start of the video, and 10 seconds at the end. Advertising any other site will disqualify the video.
  • Our Forum Rules apply for this video.
  • To submit your video, all you have to do is post a link to it in THIS thread as soon as you have uploaded it to Youtube.
  • We will close this thread on Friday the 6th of May at 13:00 UTC

Huge prize through mysterious contest

Server renter i3D.net has just announced a large-scaled contest via Twitter. Nothing about the content so far, but the prize is pretty awsome. You are able to win a whopping 55.000 Battlefunds for Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield Play4Free. Those BFs are worth round about 250$. We will keep you up-to-date on the content - it might be interesting.

And the winners are...

BadlyBurned and SS2Maximillian! Congratulations for winning the recruit training video contest! Note that there will be another contest soon, still, EA didn't announce the exact date.
SS2Maximillian has won the recruit training #1, here is his succesfull entry.

And BadlyBurned has won with his entry released yesterday, congratulations as well for the recruit training #2 winner.

We are excited whether there will be more recruit training videos. As always, we will report anything new.
Further, our entry in recruit training 2 / soldier loadout hitted the 2nd place. Thanks for those who supported us!

Heli gunner's tracer dart will be improved

As a gunner in attacking helicopters, your secondary weapon is that pretty tracer dart tool. In theory, it works like this: You mark a target, your pilot shoots the hellfires so they destroy the prey with deadly precision. The reality is more like this: Due to the ultra slow travel speed, one out of ten tracer darts hit the target. This will be changed. In an upcomming patch, the tracer dart speed will be increased, so it should be possible to mark targets in a fly-by.

Field Repair will be fixed

EA just announced that the radius of engineer's field repair ability will be increased. With that special skill, you can repair vehicles next to your own vehicle. Quite usefull, but by now you have to stand really close to your teammate's ride. No release date given for this fix.

Do you want some challenge?

The Old Guys Gaming Community launches an awsome Battlefield Play4Free clan-cup. You can now sign up on  bfp4fcup.com.

Maximum amount of clans per continent is 16, so you should hurry up. Signing-up will be possible until may 27. Beside the continent battles, there will be a world cup: North American winner versus European winner. It works as a best of 3, 8vs8. Further, you have to post a screenshot of the round's final score. The best continent clan will win a 32 slots i3D server for three months, second place gets 24 slots and the third place 16 slots. This is the information needed to sign-up

Clan name:
Clan website:
Clanleader X-fire:
Clanleader e-mail: 
We have pre-ordered / have our own server (YES/NO):
We can bring a team of 8 players at FRI/SAT/SUN, (YES/NO):

By the way, this cup is supported by game developer Easy and server renter i3D. 


Check out what an assault can do


Did you ever ask what an assault is good for? You want to know how you can help your team as an assault? Check out our latest video!

New Twitter goes live!

We are blown away how many users are browsing our blog already. Although just started about a week ago, we have already 800 views on our site - in just one week. To celebrate this, we launched our brand-new Twitter channel! Now you will be up-to-date as soon as anything happens on the Battlefield. Featuring new content on our blog as well as interesting tweets around BFP4F. Check it out at http://www.twitter.com/#!/bfp4fnews/

Video Contest: Winners will be announced tomorrow

EA cancelled today's announcement of 'recruit training video contest' winners. "Due to the massive number of awesome entries, we will go through the videos tonight and publish the best tomorrow morning!" A timeframe has not been released. Stay tuned, as we will post the winner tomorrow.

Destroying vehicles in homebase will be fixed


You know those guys sitting in AA on Oman and destroy all your lovely planes and helicopters, right? EA announced that this won't be possible anymore. As promised before, they searched for a solution. As EA-HATE says, a fix coming for it so that you can't destroy home base vehicles until they are moved into combat. Whether enemys can still destroy them in the main base is not sure by now.

PTE Hotfix released

EA has released a small bugfix for the PTE. There was no content added. Remember that you are still able to buy additional character slots with credits in the Public Test Environment.

Further, the winners of video contest will be announced. We will tell you who did the best job!


Did you buy Age of Rage?

We guess y'all know age of rage, the theme song of Battlefield Play4Free. So, did you actually buy that song? You know, it's available on iTunes and Amazon for example. Want to comment this? Take a look on our poll!

Today's summary 27.04.11

Today was a busy day, many things happened around the battlefield. Here we go, that's what happened today:

New website features
Starter Packs are available
Battlefund bonus for every purchase
Maximum level increases if tier 3 releases

And a new feature hitted our blog - facebook likes.

That's it for now. But stay tuned - tomorrow, the winners of Recruit Training video contest will be announced. We will tell you who it is.

Get your Battlefund bonus now!


If you purchase Battlefunds from now on untill may 2nd, you will get more Battlefunds! It is a 25% bonus per purchase. Please not that SMS purchases DO NOT count. Further, you have to buy more than 700 Battlefunds. The list of benefits:
1540 Battlefunds - now 1925 Battlefunds! (385 bonus!)
3290 Battlefunds - now 4115 Battlefunds! (825 bonus!)
8750 Battlefunds - now 10940 Battlefunds! (2190 bonus!)

Maximum level will raise as soon as tier 3 releases

EA just announced that the maximum level cap will be increased as soon as Tier 3 works are finished. The reason for this is, that you won't be able to get enough training points for some Tier 3 ability if you would just be on lvl 20. We are still missing a date for the release of Tier 3, but it is 'in progress', as developer EASY said.

Starter packs are available

As we reported before, the starter packs now hitted the open beta. They were available in PTE before. So now, you can reedem them. Take a look on our video explaining this!

Please note that there was a minor change to the pack. There are now just 10 Adrenalin Shots and Field Bandages, in PTE you could get a whopping 25. Still awaiting a statement by EA.

New Website features

After the maintenance today, you can find some more stuff on the website. Still waiting for patch notes, but as we have recognized: Everyone who played Battlefield Heroes with his EA account has a Battlefield Heroes tag now next to his name. It is pretty similar to the Closed Beta / Open Beta tags. Requirements are that you played Battlefield Heroes as well as having participated in closed beta before the 31st march. Watch the pictures:

That's CB for Closed Beta combined with BFH for Battlefield Heroes. Check it out :)

Further, if a topic contains more than one post by an official EA representive, then you can browse those posts. So there is now a small picture next to EA staff posts.

Website and server maintenance


EA is patching the website and game servers at the moment. You won't be able to acces the website during the next 20 minutes. Request is still pending whetehr it's just maintenance or also patch included, but we will see. BFPlay4FreeNews keeps you up-to-date!

Like bars removed

We are sorry to announce that our like bars have to be removed. They did not work like they should. Still, if you are a blogger user you may recommend this blog via toolbar below our posts.


PTE maintenance with new soldier slots for credits!

EA has just patched the Public Test Environment.

They fixed following bugs:

  • Players should no longer turn invisible

  • Game crashes due to invalid game data should not occur anymore

  • Accessing the forums should no longer pop up any errors

  • Further, EA added the ability of buying further soldier slots with credits. And there is a elite starter pack giving available for every class containing some nice items. And EA wants us to check that every bug fix works - further, the game shouldn't crash anymore.

    We are working on a video.

    EA denies class selection

    There is a lot of stuff on the battlefield today. EA just denied that there will be a class selection available in-game.

    So it'd be pretty much the same as in previous battlefield games, if you take out Heroes. So after you die, you could change your soldier into another one. "The core of the game is built around each player focusing on one soldier with one loadout per round." as EA said, so they are not able to change this by now. Still, it could be discussed if there are more signs on this topic. If you think class selection is good stuff, then vote for it.

    New update hits the battlefield!

    EA has just released a new update for Battlefield Play4Free.

    It gives some changes to the main menu. You don't have to download anything for the update - seems to be implemented already. Further, some bugs on the website have been fixed. The patch notes:
    *Weapons bar improved
    *Apparel bar improved
    *New design For US/RU switch in apparel section
    *New design for 'low usage' attention mark in shop
    *New design for bars in options menu for regulating sound etc.
    *When reaching level 20 the game tells you that it is maximum level
    *Minor website and menu bugfixes

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKozNdKNGvs

    Upcoming maps will be divided as well

    You know, by now we have three maps. Oman, vehicle warfare, Sharqi, infantry only and Karkand, infantry and vehicle action.

    Upcomming maps will have this system as well. So there will be for example a vehicle map with next update, but then an infantry only follows etc. As Silvanoshi said: "We are aiming to provide maps covering each end of the spectrum and everything in between."  Meanwhile, we found out that stationary machine guns will come probably. 


    Report: Will there be free Battlefunds?

    There have been recent rumors about free Battlefunds via Gun Club. BFPlay4FreeNews will tell you know what these rumors are about. But first of all - what is Gunclub?

    The Gun Club is a website* by EA which started with Medal of Honor release. So it is not that old. There you can gain badges by actions you do in gun club-featured games. Beside these badges, there are some rewards always. For example, any gunclub member was able to get Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam with 20% price fall-off.**  During the last two weeks there was advertisement for Battlefield Play4Free on whole gun club. Further, BFP4F has been added as a gun club game, without rewards and/or badges by now. Enough space for speculations.

    So yeah, many people say that there could be 700 Battlefunds for free on gunclub. There are also several threads about this on the gunclub forums. Still, EA didn't mention anything in that matter. But we are excited - there's as well a new challenge for Battlefield 3, so they seem to keep GunClub up. Of course, BFPlay4FreeNews will keep you Up-To-Date!

    *visit http://gunclub.ea.com/

    **the offer is still available


    Stationary MGs - might be included!

    Attention soldiers!

    Battlefield Play4Free News unveiled great stuff: There might be stationary MGs available soon.

    How did we find out? Well, you might know that bug: If you get killed, then the enemy's weapon has wrong image from time to time. So, this is what we got:

    The weapon logo looks pretty similiar to the one of the Kord stationary MG in Battlefield Bad Company 2.

    And here we go. Silvanoshi replied on our requested. Let me quote him: "It's entirely possible that we will have stationary machine guns in an upcoming map/update. As to whether or not it WILL happen? Well that's an entirely different story and one that I'm afraid I can go into any detail with right now."

    So, new map with stationary MG will come at a very high value. No date by now, but we will tell you as soon as something happens! 


    Take a look on Karkand


    A new footage of the battlefield has arrived. Report on YouTube for getting this informations.


    Happy Eastern Weekend

    So, you know, we got some free days now. No work, time to push forward on the battlefield. Don't forget to check out the PTE as well as participating in the video contest to help the newcomers! EA won't release any news throughout the weekend I guess, but be aware: New videos are on the way, so just lean back. You will get one update per day about Battlefield Play4Free - what happens, what's on and of course the storys behind the scenes.

    Short: From now on, daily updates on stuff that happened on and around the battlefield!

    See you in fight soldiers.


    Video Contest started

    Video creators watch out!

    EA just set up an awsome event: Do a video showing the main interface of BFP4F for beginners and get the video highlighted at facebook, twitter and on the homepage. The event will expire at Thursday at 13:00, so hurry up with your entrance! I did already:

    And a second event of the same kind is running as well: Describe how to personalize your character, just for the same benefit.
    Watch mine on this one as well:

    The rules for this contest:

    • The video must be between 2 and 10 minutes long.
    • The video should be uploaded to http://www.youtube.com.
    • You can use either voice or text to provide the information. Should you choose text, it must be rendered in the video and not as an annotation on Youtube.
    • Please refrain from using any third party copyrighted material. You may use material belonging to EA.
    • You may advertise your Youtube channel for 10 second at the start of the video, and 10 seconds at the end. Advertising any other site will disqualify the video.
    • Our Forum Rules apply for this video.
    • To submit your video, all you have to do is post a link to it in THIS thread as soon as you have uploaded it to Youtube.
    • We will be choosing the best video on Thursday the 28th of April at 13:00 UTC

    Public Test Environment launched today!

    Welcome to a new battlefield soldiers.

    Yeah, that's right. EA just launched the Public Test Environemnt of Battlefield Play4Free! What does that mean?
    So, a PTE is another version of a game where players are able to try new content before it hits the regular game. You could see it like a beta running next to a released game. As example: EA plans to add a new weapon, so it will be added to all accounts in the PTE. They will be able to try it out, and as soon as EA is sure that it has no bugs or stuff, they add it to the game.

    Gameplay video:

    How to register:

    1. Navigate to: http://pte.battlefield.play4free.com/en/
    2. Register a new account (This is separate from the normal version of Battlefield Play4Free)
    3. Log on and hit the "Play Now!" Button. (You will need to download a different, PTE version of the game)
    4. Check out the new features, content and/or bug fixes and give us your feedback on the forums.

    Check it out.

    See you on the battlefield!


    New video showing Oman


    a new video hitted the ground. There, you can see Oman - yeah, that large-scaled vehicle-warfare map. You know that map already? Then you still might enjoy the boat doing loopings 8)

    Watch it:


    New Video is uploaded

    Hey all,

    just a short notice: There's a new video on our YouTube channel. Enjoy watching it!

    New Blog is live

    Hey all and welcome to this little blog.

    As the title tells you already, it is about Battlefield Play4Free. So, first of all, a few informations on P4F.

    Battlefield Play4Free is a free-to-play online shooter released by Electronic Arts. It combines the weapons of Battlefield Bad Company 2, the maps of Battlefield 2 and clothing system of Battlefield Heroes. Further, you can create an unique and awsome soldier with the training system. For details, check out our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BFPlay4FreeNews