The Gun Club is a website* by EA which started with Medal of Honor release. So it is not that old. There you can gain badges by actions you do in gun club-featured games. Beside these badges, there are some rewards always. For example, any gunclub member was able to get Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam with 20% price fall-off.** During the last two weeks there was advertisement for Battlefield Play4Free on whole gun club. Further, BFP4F has been added as a gun club game, without rewards and/or badges by now. Enough space for speculations.
So yeah, many people say that there could be 700 Battlefunds for free on gunclub. There are also several threads about this on the gunclub forums. Still, EA didn't mention anything in that matter. But we are excited - there's as well a new challenge for Battlefield 3, so they seem to keep GunClub up. Of course, BFPlay4FreeNews will keep you Up-To-Date!
**the offer is still available
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